Friday, March 25, 2011

Out on this limb

Do you ever feel like you are ‘out on a limb’ with God’? Sometimes following Christ leaves me feeling all alone. When everything I have done and everything I am is invested in Jesus, it doesn’t seem fair that I should ever be alone. 

Even the disciples felt alone at times. How do you think Peter felt while sitting in prison the night before he was to be killed, shackled and naked? Or what about John as he heard his brother was the first disciple to be martyred? I don’t think anyone of us can say they follow Jesus closer than the disciples did, so if even they are not exempt from loneliness, why should we be?

Beth Moore says, “ride the wave (of loneliness) straight into the presence of God and experience the adventure of feeling you’re the only one there.” I never thought of it that way. So when I begin to ask those questions of ‘Why Lord?’ or ‘have you forgotten about me Lord?, I’m reminded of how much more I need to keep my focus. 

Am I really looking for answers and explanations or is it that I just want assurance that he is utterly and supremely God? Solidarity is not necessarily where I will find the answers; it’s the place I decide if it’s worth it to continue ‘out on this limb’. Oh, it’s worth it! I just have to let him work the details out.