Tuesday, May 27, 2014

....on surviving a snake bite- I know, only me...

us running from snake.png
Ophidiophobia -the fear of snakes. I definitely have this now so more than ever!
So I have lived in the boondocks now for over 14 years. I have always worried about snakes and spiders biting me or a family member and I have attempted to take the necessary precautions to prevent that from happening. At times this has meant running from them as they slither sneakily across my yard- only to remember I was leaving my child behind.  Not good, I know! But she is fine, safe, nothing happened to her, I promise- just heat failure for me.
car on grave.pngthrowing rock.jpg  I have thrown rocks at them, chopped them with a hoe or ran over them with my car.  I always look where I'm stepping when walking in the grass or wear crocs that look like Sweden wooden shoes (not the ones with holes in them) for added protection.My philosophy is the only good snake is a dead snake and after Tuesday night that will be my motto for life. Did you know, according to WebMD, “a dead snake, even one with a severed head, can still bite and release venom by reflex action for up to 90 minutes after it dies.”

Here’s my story for all those that have been curious: on 5/20/14 my daughter and I returned home from watching Moms Night Out - a hilarious must see for everyone; you will not be disappointed. It was about 10pm when we pulled into the driveway. I gathered my stuff and as I was about even with her tire I felt an extremely sharp puncture to my right foot. I wanted to think it was a piece of metal but I knew, that I knew, that I knew that it was definitely not a piece of metal.  I didn't want to look but knew I had to. So when I did, I saw the scrawny, evil -eyed monster ready to strike again and I jumped forward so I could lean on the hood of the car. Now my scream occurred simultaneously with all the thoughts that were racing through my brain, to which my daughter responded "WHAT?" in her death rattling response.  I replied, "Go get your dad, I've been bitten by a snake,"
I heard the echoes of her calls to her dad as she ran to the back of the house to awaken him from a sound sleep. While awaiting his presence, the thoughts that raced through my head were "I am a nurse, what do I do, ...I do not know what to do....shouldn't I know what to do....stay calm, don't move, ...why don't I know what to do....stay calm...if I squeeze above my ankle will that slow the circulation,....should I elevate my leg to decrease circulation, ...I know it's important to stay calm and don't move… STAY CALM. 
When Jamie arrived- in his under roo’s--the snake long sincee has gone bye-bye- thank God-& I'm leaning there on the hood of the car, my crap scattered on the ground around me, hanging on to my ankle with both hands, and my leg held up in the air- likely looking like a ballerina. (Do you have this picture in your head). I told him to get dressed and take me to the hospital. Courtney was trying to be helpful and asked what she should do. I had her pick up my stuff and take it into the house. I later found out she was freaking out to have to bend down with a snake lurking around there somewhere. 
. inside foot.jpginside foot2.jpg
Jamie returned in a panic, still trying to wake up. He scooped me up and carried me to the truck. Let's just say it was a -musical strain, um … walk...as he carried me. The fear of not knowing what to do kept me from laughing at him and his unexpected musical serenade but now I can barely type this without cracking a rib. Courtney brought me an ice pack and T-shirt to wrap around it. Jamie drove about 80-90 to the hospital. As he drove I called a doctor I used to work with to see if I should use the ice or not. She had never dealt with  snake bites before so she didn't know. I called my friend that worked in the ER and she didn't know. So I felt better that I wasn't the only medical person that didn't know what to do.  
We arrived at Kennett hospital about 10:15. They took vitals, and drew some blood. Watched me for about 2 hours, gave me a dose of keflex and sent me home. Once home and in bed- around 1, I told Jamie the inside of my leg felt like a giant bruise. This is what I awakened to this the next morning. See picture.
    And it was very painful and tender. After attempting to get up and learning that walking was not going to occur to day, I laid back on the bed, began to cry like a baby, and texted my mother to come over. PPLLLEEEAAASSSEEEE In the mean time, I lowered myself to the floor, to figure out how I was going to get to the bathroom. Having hardwood floors, crawling on my knees was not an option, so I sat on my butt and pulled myself backwards to the bathroom to attempt to start my day. While scooting backwards, if I came across anything I felt I might need throughout the day, I piled it in my lap. So needless to say by the time I made it to the bathroom, I had a pile of books in my lap and my floor was getting very clean. (Again, do you have this picture in your head).
Mom drove me to  a follow-up appointment I made with a NP friend of mine in Blytheville. The first thing she did was call poison control- poison control was not called the night before; they questioned her as to why they had not been called for which she had no answer. (Hence this is the reason I go to NP’s- I’ve found they tend to follow protocol. I have some great Drs. and great Dr. friends but I prefer to see NP’s on a regular basis). Anyway, by the time I arrived to her office, the area on my leg had increased slightly size. (see picture below)
Poison control instructed her to take me to the ER, have them draw more labs and monitor me for awhile. I called my husband to have him come up there with me. He was scared to death; he even called the pastor to pray for me. I tried to tell him I wouldn’t die that easily but he wouldn’t listen. (Glad he loves me though). I stayed there a couple more hours. Labs were still normal with only a slightly elevated prothrombin time (PT). A PT test, along with other labs, are used to determine how long it takes blood to clot. Snake venom can cause bleeding concerns. I was discharged once again and told to return if my whole leg turned blue or if I had difficulty breathing.  
Here are some pictures of the progression of how my leg changed over the next 48 hours or so.  Remember this is the inside of my right thigh and my beautiful Fiona foot (Fiona-from Shrek) below.  Luckily, as you can see, only one fang punctured my foot. It appears that the other fang must have hit the strap of my flip-flop
thigh progression.jpg

According to the Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) when it comes to snake bites one of the most important factors is personal sensitivity. Some people are more allergic to snake venom, just as some people have a more serious reaction to insect stings. Snake bites are more serious for very young and very old people and those with compromised health. The location of the bite is important, too. Least serious are those to the hands and feet, which is good because that’s where most people are bitten. I had what was considered a large, local reaction which can take up to 10 days to improve. footprogression.jpg


So what did I learn from all of this:
1. Use a flashlight when I get out of the car at night. Snakes do NOT care that it is MY driveway, nor are they in a hurry to move when a vehicle pulls up in the driveway. I thought the vibration from a vehicle would keep them out of the driveway, and never dreamed one would be there.
2. Just because I’m a nurse doesn’t mean I have to know how to treat everything. Because snake bites are rare, most medical personnel are unfamiliar with the protocol. I did some things right: Remained calm, kept extremity as still as possible, went to the emergency room. If you don’t use the skills you learn, you lose them. This was only my second exposure to a snake bite and the other one was during my 1st year as a nurse.
3. What not to do for a snake bite: do not apply ice; do not apply tourniquet -some pressure will decrease circulation but do not occlude circulation. Elevation is controversial so it’s best to keep the extremity at the level of the heart. (Decreased elevation leads to increased swelling and possibly compartment syndrome; increased elevation leads to increased circulation to the heart.)
4. Most people bitten by a snake do not receive antivenom.
5. Allergic reactions depends upon the individual’s sensitivity to venom. (Guess I’m sensitive)
6. Call poison control immediately
6.Snakebite ranks just above falling space debris as a threat to human life. (MDC) Guess I should have played the lottery that day.
I'm still improving each day. Today is one week, so I expect complete recovery before the weekend. Another tally mark for Jesus….Satan you should know better by now, My God has plans for me. Why can't you comprehend that!!!
Now if only I could just stop seeing “snakes” everywhere I go….or at least everything initially looks like a snake which is enough to make me jump on your shoulders. Be prepared...

Monday, May 12, 2014

....on being a Mother

Monday May 12
Yesterday was Mother’s day. Before church I was looking through an old prayer journal and found when I dedicated my marriage and  both Cody & Courtney back to you. I wrote,

“I dedicate my marriage to you Lord that you could use us as examples to
our families and children ...through our trials you will show us you  have
the answers. I thank you now for all the blessings you will give us and the
tribulations that you will see us through. I dedicate [Cody & Courtney] to
you….Lead me and Jamie to teach and raise them according to your word…
with every illness & every trial [they face], you will remind us that they are
yours and that you are allowing those circumstances to occur [for a reason]
....through your strength and power, Lord, we will make it through [anything
we must face].”

Our church had baby dedication yesterday as well. It was nice to come across that entry in my journal and then watch an official ceremony right after it. I know that when I dedicated Courtney on that 4th day of June in 1998, it was very emotional for me. We lived in Southaven, Ms. She was nineteen months old.
I believe it was as hard for me to ‘give her away’ then as it will be for her dad to walk her down the wedding aisle (not anytime soon).  I remember I was crying and thinking I do not know if the world would have a savior today if it had been left up to me to let my son die on the cross. I was only giving her back to Him by my word, I was not offering her life on a cross. Having a type A personality, and not one to easily relinquish control, I felt as if I was physically handing her over to someone else. And it hurt deeply...strange I know, but true.

In 1 Samuel it begins with Elkanah who is married to Hannah and Peninnah.  Peninnah had many children by Elkanah and Hannah was unable to have any. Penninah would “provoke her [Hannah] in order to irritate her” until she wept and refused to eat. (v 6-7) Elkanah could not understand why she allowed Penninah’s words to hurt her so bad. He felt his presence should have been enough to fill the void she had concerning not having children. [He just didn’t get it]. Hannah wept and poured out her soul to the Lord and she made a vow saying, “ O Lord Almighty, if you will only look upon your servant’s misery and remember me, and not forget your servant but give her a son, then I will give him to the Lord for all the days of his life and no razor will ever be used on his head.”

I know how Hannah felt. Prior to Courtney, I had lost three babies and desperately  wanted a child of my own. Shortly after learning I was pregnant, I began spotting and was immediately placed on bedrest for what seemed like forever- 1st trimester. It was during that time that I promised God if He would just give me this one child, I would do everything in my power to raise her according to His word - not religion- and that when He instructed me to, I would give her back to Him.

So that day in Southaven, when I knew He was prompting me to give her back, I wept as hard as I did the day I begged to keep her. But He had kept His promise by allowing me to hold her in my arms and love her the best I knew how and now it was my turn to keep my promise. At the time I was giving (dedicating) her back to God, I did not know how much peace it would offer me down the road. The times I felt powerless over her life, I would remind Him that she was His and it was His responsibility to protect her when I couldn’t.

I did my best to teach her about the Word of God and show her how God moved in our family and our lives. I knew I had to let her wings break out of the cocoon on their own- with Him watching- not me prying them open in an effort to only assist. Jamie and I have been able to go on trips without her and without being 'scared' something would happen. I do not think I would have had the peace to take any overnight trip without her if I had not given her back to Him.

When she faces struggles, I try so hard not to interfere. I try to remind her that we do not know why God is allowing her to go through the trials she faces, but she needs to trust Him to use them for His glory. I've tried to teach her to do all she can about any situation she faces and trust God to do the rest- especially with test [like algebra..uugh]. She is a lot like her mother with wanting to be 'perfect' in all she does. I am so very proud of her for achieving and doing her best, I am still working on helping her to celebrate her accomplishments, the baby steps that take her to her goals. She just wants to achieve the goals in a zap-uugghh the microwave society we live in.

I am so blessed to be a mom and after begging to be one, I  don't want to take it for granted. I know there are many that longed for that job title and for some reason God didn't allow it to happen. I pray for those that God will give you comfort and peace about it and one day hopefully you will have your answer as to why He didn’t allow it to come to pass. Working in the field of pediatrics for over 8 years, I have often questioned God as to why He chooses to 'allow' some to have children that will simply throw them in the trash and not those who would do anything to rescue that one from the trash.

All of this to say, I am blessed and God has given me the Greatest gift I could have asked for in her. Despite all our disagreements, moments of anger toward each other, and days of not liking each other, there is nothing in this world I wouldn’t do for her if I could. Unfortunately, I’m not always allowed to. I have accepted my responsibility of not doing some of those things, when God tells me not to- I don’t know who cries more me or her- but those are stories for another day. I love you Courtney, you have made me one proud mom!

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Let Them See You in Me

My Prayer 
"Let Them See You"

Take away the melodies
Take away the songs I sing
Take away all the lights
And all the songs You let me write
Does the man I am today
Say the words You need to say

Let them see You
In me
Let them hear You
When I speak
Let them feel You
When I sing
Let them see You
Let them see You
In me

Who am I without Your grace
Another smile, another face
Another breath, a grain of sand
Passing quickly through Your hand
I'd give my life, an offering
Take it all, take everything

Let them see You
In me
Let them hear You
When I speak
Let them feel You
When I sing
Let them see You
Let them see You
In me

With every breath I breathe
I sing a simple melody
But I pray they'll hear more than a song
In me, in me

Let them see You
In me
Let them hear You
When I speak
Let them feel You
When I sing
Let them see You

Oh, let them see You
In me
Let them hear You
When I speak
Let them feel You
When I sing
Let them see You
Just let them see You in me
Let them see You

Monday, May 5, 2014

Your Vision Determines Your Direction

[The link to the Legacy sermon- is last week's sermon. This weeks sermon is not posted yet]
 So yesterday I did not go to church due to a busy weekend that prevented me from completing all the necessary task that needed to be accomplished. We were having a baptismal service in the park in the afternoon so I wanted to be completed with my tasks so that I could attend that without thinking about what was still left undone. Our church -Wellspring- airs the services online, so I planned to watch on my computer.
     As often times occurs living in the country, my internet decides when it wants to work. And of course it would not work at all during the first service. Since I could not complete my tasks-most of which were online and I could not watch the service I decided to finish the last few chapters of Isaiah and cut out encouraging words for my journal page.
     Low and behold, it was as if the devil said, "Well crap, if she is going to study the bible anyway, I may as well let the internet work". And it began to work just as praise and worship was ending during second service. I had already finished what I was study and here are the encouraging words and images I had already cut out for my journal entry.
     Then Pastor Paul began to preach on the sermon series "Legacy". He used Genesis 15: 1-5 as his reference and stated your vision determines your direction. That is what I was focusing on prior to hearing his vision. You can't see in this picture what I have written in the upper left hand corner. "Increase in [studying] God's Word. Expansion is inevitable with daily visits". After Pastor Paul's message I added "Look up!" in the top right corner. I don't want to take away from his message so go check it out. I just thought it was neat that I was on the same track- or at least felt like I was. And my focus for my journal entry was going to be on my vision for my future.                                               

Thursday, May 1, 2014

In a Rut, but Called, Cared For & not Disappointed

I hate it when I get in a rut. Sometimes when I read the bible, I feel like I’m just going through the motions. That is the main reason I try so hard to figure out how it applies to me. I feel like I have been in Isaiah forever and that it will never end. I think that is mainly because it is so difficult to grasp and apply to my own life. I will likely finish Chapter 49-there are only 5 more verses- and then venture on to something new for awhile. I will return to finish Isaiah at a later date. But next week, it will be something new.
*THE SCRIPTURE USED TODAY  Isaiah 49:22 This is what the Sovereign Lord says:“See, I will beckon to the nations,    I will lift up my banner to the peoples;they will bring your sons in their arms    and carry your daughters on their hips.23 Kings will be your foster fathers,    and their queens your nursing mothers.They will bow down before you with their faces to the ground;    they will lick the dust at your feet.Then you will know that I am the Lord;    those who hope in me will not be disappointed.”
*MY INTERPRETATION: I encourage all to follow me. They will see the sign I show you and THEY will gather up your children and bring them back to where I have called you. The rulers of the land will look after you and meet your needs. They will greet you with respect and be humble before you- I’m not too sure what to think about “licking the dust”...not sure if that is literal or figurative...any bible scholars out there that can elaborate?- By these things you will know that I am the Lord and by placing your hope in me you will not be disappointed.

I did a little research myself on Bible Hub to have a clearer understanding of the passage at hand.. According to the Matthew Henry Commentary God can and will use others to return the Israelite s to their home. According to the Pulpit Commentary and depending on the version of the bible used the word “Nations” and “Gentiles” are used interchangeably. I like how it is stated in the Living Bible Isaiah 49:22 Living Bible (TLB) 22 The Lord God says, “See, I will give a signal to the Gentiles, and they shall carry your little sons back to you in their arms, and your daughters on their shoulders. So they- the Gentiles, will bring the children - or new converts (likely Jews and Gentiles)-back to Jerusalem and the Gentiles will be adopted (fostered) into the family. As a part of the family they should be nurtured, cared for and respected. When you see these things happening you will know there is only one God and you will not be disappointed for having placed your hope in Him.

So this is my take away from this passage: I have been called-for whatever reason; I am cared for and I will not be disappointed for placing my hope in the Lord- Jesus Christ!

What did you take from it?
*DEFINITIONS REVIEWED: beckon make a gesture with the hand, arm, or head to encourage someone to come nearer or follow banner synonyms: sign,  placard, poster, notice foster care for, take care of, look after nursing feed; bow an act of bending the head or upper body as a sign of respect or greeting