Card VIII |
"I am he who blots out your transgressions for my own sake and remembers your sins no more."
blots: to make obscure, hide; obliterate; hide completely; erase; cancel; expunge; eradicate
transgressions: breach of law; sin or crime; evil doing; misconduct; abomination; immorality; iniquity
The first image that popped into my head when I read this verse was the "ink blot" test. (This will make my bestie-Aneita- so proud.) So I did a little research on it. The ink blot test was created by H. Rorschach in 1921 for psychological testing to understand a person's past or present behavior. (It was initially used on schizophrenics but we won't focus on that...ha). It's purpose is to provide a picture of the psychology of the person taking the test. On the second viewing of the 10 ink blots, the viewer is to elaborate on what they saw the first time, therefore attempting to help the psychologist see the same. This offers insights into the motivations of the viewer's behavior.
Relevance, you ask? Well this is my interpretation of the blot covering my transgressions.
God throws some ink on all my sins, crimes, misconduct, basically all my screw-ups because He wants me to be closer to Him, to develop a stronger relationship with him. He does this for His sake. He WANTS us. How often do you feel unwanted in this world? We don't have to feel that way. God wants us and will do what is necessary to have us. Isn't that an inspiring realization?
OK, so he is definitely not throwing ink on us but what He does is completely hide, erase, cancel ALL our mistakes. We need to look at the blot that covers our past through God's eyes and view our lives from His perspective. What do you think He sees when He looks at the blot covering your past? I'm sure it is not the same thing you see. We must leave our mess behind the blot and step out from behind and attempt to see what God sees~ that is the person He created us to be and not necessarily who we are currently.