Saturday, August 31, 2013

Praise When There is No Other Way

From 8/27/13

 (I'm still looking at Is. 43: vs 20 & 21 a little closer)

The wild animals honor me, the jackals and the owls, because I provide water in the desert and streams in the wasteland, to give drink to my people, my chosen, the people I formed for myself that they may proclaim my praise. 

These verses make me think of a Wheel of Fortune puzzle and the category is 'before & after'. First they make references to how the animals honor God simply because he provides for them~or makes provisions~in places where provisions do not usually exists. Then the provisions made for the animals are also made for his chosen people that they might proclaim his praise. What is so difficult about that? After all He is doing the hard part, all we have to do is give a little thanks. Really?

How often do we stop to consider the provisions God has made for us when circumstances did not warrant provision? When the lights were not shut off, even when we didn't tithe; when our marriage is a thread away from unraveling, and God provided; when our children turn from how they were raised, to one day seeing them restored?

Can I be bold enough to remind God about His promises? to stand firm over sickness and declare "it's not good enough just to feel better from (whatever sickness I may find myself in); Your word says by your stripes I AM HEALED!" (Is. 53:5) It's not good enough just to stay married~ Your Words says I can have joy unspeakable and that you came to give me life more abundantly (1 Peter 1:8, Jn. 10:10). It's not good enough that my child is no longer (fill in the blank...on drugs, in jail, etc), Your word says, "train a child up and when he is old eh WILL NOT turn form it!" (Prov. 22:6).

Do we Proclaim first and then Praise God for those things that are not as if they were? (Romans 4:17)

In vs. 22-24, the children of Israel sin against God. He makes provisions and they do not even thank him. The just stress Him out more. We are the same way. Our children are the same to us. God tells them and us to Stop Worrying & Offending Him! In other words, "DON'T WORRY ME CHILD...I GOT THIS". (Or at least I imagine that is how God talks to me).

Praise God for the provisions he has already made, but more importantly for the ones you have yet to receive.

Sunday, August 25, 2013


Is 43: 14-21 (8/17/13)

Isaiah proclaims a message from God, “I will bring the Babylonians down from Babylon in the ships they were so proud of.” The Lord is your Redeemer, the Holy one of Israel, The Lord, your Holy One, Israel’s creator, your king. He who makes a way through the waters, through the sea, who drew out chariots, horses, army reinforcements~ they will never rise again.

v. 18 forget the former things. Do not dwell on the past. V. 19 God is doing a new thing! It (a new way) springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way through the desert and streams in the west land.

Perceive=to take cognizance of the existence by means of the senses-to see hear, or feel – to apprehend by the mind; to be convinced by direct intuition, to discern comprehend.

8/23/13                YOU MUST PERCEIVE IT TO RECEIVE IT! 

I know a lot of people don’t believe in the “positive feeling” preaching but let’s look closer at Is 43: 18-19. How much of our life do we spend regretting or wishing we could change something about our past instead of accepting the negative we regret as life lesson and simply moving. In vs. 19 God tell us he is making a new way for us to get past the past but we must “perceive” it. In other words, we must be convinced and see in our minds FIRST what is yet to be; the new way God is preparing for our life. So where do you see your: life, marriage, career, family, church in five years? It is not a rhetorical question. Take a minute and truly answer those questions; then PERCEIVE IT TO RECEIVE IT.

Saturday, August 24, 2013



Be Positive or Be Quiet (J. Olsteen)

Every has a  dream something you are believing in ; we tend to talk ourselves out of it. You cannot talk defeat and expect to have victory. When you speak something out loud, you give it life. Everyone has negative thoughts. You can’t stop them from coming you can stop them from becoming reality. Don’t speak it just because you think it. Be positive or be quiet. Proverbs 6:2; Jer. 1:7

Imagine what your dream as a reality. You may not see a way but God still has a way. Refuse to speak defeat with negativity. This is easy during positive times Most difficulty during hard times. If you don’t speak it, it will die and never take root. Ask yourself “Is what I am about to say what I want to come into my life?” say “I will lend and not borrow; God’s favor surrounds me like a shield; Whatever I touch prospers and succeeds; I invite increase, good breaks and success into my life. I am more than a conqueror; if God is for me who can be against me. Call the things that are not as if they were. I am anointed. I am equipped.  I am strong in the Lord. I am well abled. I’ve been raised up for such a time as this. People are being drawn to me. When I teach the light bulb goes off ant they understand. Don’t tell everyone your negative thoughts.

Isaiah 43: 1-8 (Aug 6-10)

Isaiah 43: 1-7 (8/6/13)

The Lord, who created and formed you says, “Fear not for I have redeemed (repurchased, regain possession of by payment of a stipulated price) you. I have called you by name. You are mine. When you pass the waters and rivers I will be with you; the river will not sweep over you. When you walk through fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze. For I am the Lord, Your God, the Holy One of Israel your Savior. I gave Egypt for your ransom (Egypt was the price given for redemption). I gave Cush & Seba on your behalf. Do not be afraid for I am with you. I will summon the North, South, and East & West to gather you, your children, and everyone who is called by my name, whom I created for glory, whom I formed and made.

(8/7/13)(Reflecting on yesterday’s verse) God is proclaiming Israel’s redemption. To proclaim is to make known by public announcement, openly publicize or declare. Since the book of Isaiah is a book of prophesy – things yet to come- Isaiah is declaring openly that the Israelites will be redeemed (repurchased). They will be protected from the waters and the fire, basically any confrontation they may encounter. Although Isaiah doesn’t speak of Jesus at this time – we know His life is the final payment that repurchases them (& us as shown below).

Not only does God proclaim this to Israel – look at verse seven again…EVERYONE He created, formed and made for His glory. Did God form you? Do you believe you were created for glory? Then do not be afraid for God is with you and he will do what it takes to gather and keep you. The final payment was as much for the repurchase of non-Israelites as it was for the Israelites. Verse seven says so.

Isaiah 43: 8 (8/9/13) Lead out those who have eyes but are blind, who have ears but are deaf.

Lead: to guide by means of some physical contact or connection i.e. father/child; jockey/horse; guide dog/blind person.

Blind: lacking discernment, unable or unwilling to understand, inconsiderate ( I do not think this verse in in reference to the physically inability to see with the eyes-my opinion).

Deaf: unwilling to listen

I was surprised when I read the definition of “lead”. My initial visualization was of a tour guide through a nature trail. The physical contact/connection is what stood out. God wants to have a connection with us, but we must be the initiator. Look at the examples given for “lead”. If a child is crossing a street it is usually the parent that reaches out to hold their hand and guide them across. The horse doesn’t see out the jockey; neither does the guide dog seek the blind man.

All of these are content without being led but what a difference occurs when they come together. The child will make it safely across the street. The horse is pampered, trained and led by the jockeys voice and subtle moves. The guide dog allows the blind person to encounter new places with less fear. That’s what the Lord wants to do for us: help us make it safely through our day; listen to our inner voice that guides and instructs us; and experience new places or season’s in our life with less fear than we would have if were encounter them alone. But we must initiate the ‘connection or relationship.

(8/10/13) I don’t believe the reference to the word blind in this verse indicates without sight. The unwillingness to understand seems more like the intended meaning. Remember this chapter is Isaiah is proclaiming or declaring openly the future redemption or repurchase of the Israelites (& us).  Although the Israelites have the capability of physically seeing and hearing, their unwillingness to understand or listen prevails. Despite their rebellion God still choose to connect with them and guide him to his promised land.

It amazes me to see how much God can show me out of such a small passage...

Friday, August 23, 2013

Such Things (July 18th)

July 18th

(Read Isaiah 38) Pondering on vs. 16, “Lord, by such things men live: and my spirit finds life in them too. You restored me to health and let me live.” This is a statement written by Hezekiah after Isaiah prophesied he would not die but live 15 more years. There are no specific things I can find he is referencing to. I wonder if it is it prayer, hope, I don’t know. Maybe both.

(July 9th) The Grace Solution: Marriage Today with Jimmy & Karen Evans

Ok, so I realized I have been a slacker in posting some of my random thoughts. I haven’t been a slacker in reading just in typing them up. I will put them up according to the day they were written in my journal. I’ll do better…

July 9th

Marriage Today: The Grace Solution: Jimmy & Karen Evans show

Luke 6: 38 Give and it will be given to you. A large quantity, pressed together, shaken down, and running over will be put into your pocket. The standards you use for others will be applied to you.”

"It" is not just money; it can be your service, time, expertise. Your marriage will not be the same in five years. The decisions you make now will determine if your marriage is better or worse; but it won’t be the same. You must be in agreement about every aspect of your marriage whether it is money, children, sex, and hobbies, whatever. That is the point in a marriage vision retreat: to come to a common place on the important issues in your marriage. You have to start with the big questions. Do you know the purpose God put you together? You need to discover it. God has a purpose for your marriage just as He does everything else in your life. Proverbs 29:11 without a common understanding we can’t walk together. Genesis 1 God gives light before he gives anything else. A vision retreat should shed light on the purpose of your marriage by accomplishing 4 things:

1.       Clarity: Why did God, put you together? How do you know if you are being successful without anything to measure?

2.       Compassion: Write it and make it plain. God gives you desires and fulfills them. This should motivate your and keep you motivated about your marriage.

3.       Purity: without vision cast off restrain. It is impossible to turn a negative thought into a positive action. Without vision negative thoughts direct you. ‘Try not to mess up’ means you are focused on what not to do instead of what to do.

4.       Unity: When there is division, it means there are two visions. There should be one vision for your marriage. In Luke 11:17 Jesus states “every kingdom divided against itself is ruined. A house divided against itself falls. Provision means for vision. You won’t have a vision for your marriage if you have division in any area of it: finances, jobs, children, sex, hobbies....any of it.