Now don’t
get me wrong, I don’t think nursing is my primary foundation. I know the
primary foundation is Christ, not JUST nursing. But Christ is the foundation
and the core. He is at level of our being. I’m saying that He put other
foundations in our life to shape and lead us during this stay on Earth.
For those
who have ever taken a psychology class you will be very familiar with Maslow’s Hierarchy
of Needs. The pyramid represents Maslow’s Theory of Human Motivation and
suggests that lower needs must be met before moving to the next level. Self-actualization
is the process of developing as a person to achieve individual potential. And
for me, my potential is found in nursing. It’s different for everyone. Jamie’s
is in trucking; Courtney’s could be in singing. For some it’s being a teacher,
pastor, police officer, salesman, for some it’s being the best parent they can
be, for other’s it’s doing the best with the choices they have made in life.
Basically, I
know that no level of achievement in this Hierarchy of Needs is met without God
as the center. But I feel He gives us other foundations to build upon to reach
the different levels.